Is. 1:1, 10-20: God told Isaiah to tell Israel & Judah these things...I am displeased with the sacrifices you do on the Sabbath, Holy Days & feasts.Because your hearts are not in them. Besides, you do not live a holy life that does good and help and protect the orphans & widows. Change your ways & life a life that pleases me.
Ps. 50:1-8, 22-23:The God of gods judges his people who gives sacrifices, but whose hearts are fall away from Him. God said, "I will only honor and save those who give me offers to show thanks."
Heb. 11:1-3,8-16:Faith is being sure of the things we hope for, even when we can not see it happening. People of old are known because of their great faith in God. People like Abraham, Sarah who left their home to travel to a county they had never be to because God told them to & God blessed them for it with sons in their old ages. We have faith in God when we believe that God made all of nature in the world.
Luke 12:32-40:Do not be afraid, Your Heavenly Father wants to give you His kingdom. Sell all you have and give to the poor.invest in heavenly treasures that do not wear out. Your treasure is where your heart is. Be always ready to serve the Lord. Like the servants who wait up for the master to come home and is waiting no matter how late he arrives. Then they can open the gate as soon as he arrives. Then there will be joy at his arrival.You also must be ready when the Son of Man comes, for he will come at an hour you do not think he will come.
In days of the Old Testament, people were to go to get their sins covered by sacrificing animals to him. But God did not just want them to go through the actions, yet not have their hearts in it. God was not pleased with sacrifices that meant nothing to the people. He wanted them to be sorry for their sins & want a relationship with God(Is. 1:1, 10-20). God tells them that he will judge them for this (Ps. 50:108, 22-23). In the New Testament, Jesus reminds his followers of all of these and give them guidance of what God wants from them(Luke 12:32-40). In Hebrews 11, Paul reminds God's people of all of this again, when he shares the example of how Abraham & Sarah had faith in God and obeyed him when they traveled away from their home to a county they did not know, because God told them to (Heb. 11;1-3, 8-16). Abraham had a relationship with God. We too need to have that type of relationship with God.
Challenge of the Week:
What will you do this week that God had asked you to do?
Accomplishment of the week:
How did you obey God this week? How did that affect your relationship with him?
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