Friday, November 24, 2017

Climbing Higher~ Christmas Eve

Is. 9:2-7: Prophecy of Jesus birth & reason for coming.

Ps. 96:Song that encourages for God's people to sing praises to God for being our Creator & Judge, so that the world will hear.

Titus 2:11-14:The grace of God sent Jesus to come and teach us to live righteously. He also gave us salvation. 

Luke 2:1-14,(15-20): Jesus is born & the angels goes and tells the shepherds.They go to see and worship him. then went out and told others what they had seen.Many wondered if it was true.

 While God's people was in slavery, Isaiah prophesied to God's people of a day when a messiah would come and save them (Is.9:2-7). We see the fulfillment of that prophecy in Luke 2:1-14(15-20). I find it interesting that God sent the angels to shepherds outside of Bethlehem to come and see Jesus. when he was born. I had read that some believe that they were the shepherds that raised the sheep for sacrifices in the temple. This makes since to me as Jesus would become our final sacrifice for our sins. In Titus we read of how we as followers of Jesus should live & tell others of Jesus' sacrifice for the worlds sins (Titus 2:11-14). We should stop and sing the song that is in Psalms 96 to the world. 

Challenge of the day:
Today, take the time to sing songs of praise and joy to God for coming to earth to save us. Also use this day to share the good news of why Jesus came to earth. this is the perfect time to share that. 

Accomplishment of the day:
How did this challenge get you ready for Christmas day? Were you able to help someone else get spiritually ready for Christmas? How?

Climbing Higher~ 4th week of Advent

Is. 61:10-62:3: I will rejoice in the Lord for he has clothed me in salvation...

Ps.148: A song of Praise to the Lord.

Gal.4:4-7:When the time was right, God sent his son born of a woman under the law to save those under the law, from the law.

Luke 2:22-40:  When Jesus was 8 days old, he was taken to the temple to be circumcised & named. An old man & woman praised God for being allowed to see the  promised Messiah.

Challenge of the week:
On this last week before Christmas, let us take the time to remember that God sent his son to fulfill the law & be our final sacrifice (Gal. 4:4-7). Because of that we can sing the songs of praise that we read in Isiah & the Psalms (Is. 61:10-62:3: Ps. 148). Let us be like the old man & woman that praised God when they saw Jesus as the fulfillment of salvation (Luke 2:22-40). 

Accomplishment of the week:
How did this challenge prepare you for Christmas  spiritually?

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Climbing Higher~ 3rd week of Advent

2 Sam. 7:1-11, 16: Prophecy to David that God would establish his house & line. 

Luke 1:47-55: Mary's song of praise to God. 

or Ps. 89:1-4,19-26: God's covenant with David & his throne.

Rom. 16:25-27:The mystery of Christ reveled.

Luke 1:26-38:Angel of God came to Mary to get her permission to have her be the Mother of Jesus.

God made a promise to King David that he would establish his house & line to include the Messiah (2 Sam. 7:1-11,16; Ps. 89:1-4,19-26). When the time was right for God to fulfill his promise to King David, he choice a young lady to be his son's Mother. then he sent an angel to go and get permission from her (Luke 1:26-27). After wards Mary went to see a cousin who was pregnant with John the Baptist. When her cousin Elisabeth saw her she spoke encouraging words to her about being the Mother of the son of God. Mary felt free to sing a song of praise to God and all that was in her heart (Luke 47-55). Because of men like Paul, we now now the mystery of Jesus & can be saved (Rom. 16:25-27).

Challenge of the week:
As the mystery of Christmas and Christ coming to the world is reveled to us this week. Let us be like Mary and lift our voices in praise to God for his great gift of Jesus & salvation through him. 

Accomplishment of the week:
So how did singing praises help bring you closer to God? How has it brought more meaning to Christmas for you?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Climbing Higher~ 2ed week of Advent

Is. 61:1-4,8-11:  Speaks of how God would send someone who will turn their mourning into joy.

Ps. 126: Song thanking God for taking them out of slavery where they had mourned.

or Luke 1:47-56:Mary's song of joy to God for through her son, Jesus, salvation would come to mankind.

1 Thess. 5:16-24: Paul tell the Thessalonians to  always rejoice,always pray, always give thanks to God for this would please God.

John 1:6-8, 19-28:John the Baptist came to tell of the coming of Jesus who would save people from the darkness and bring them into light. When he was asked if he was the Christ. He told him that he was not the Christ, but the one who was to come to prepare the way for the Christ.

When Isaiah was speaking to the people they were slaves. He told them that he was sent to bring them hope & joy in the mist of their mourning. But he was also prophesying of the one who would also be bringing hope in the future (Is. 61:1-4,8-11). In Psalms 126, we read the song that was given to God's people to sing remembering that God had giving them joy when he took them out of slavery. We read Mary's song of joy that prophecies of how her son would bring salvation to the people (Luke 1:47-56).

Then in John, we read how John the Baptist answers the spiritual leaders when they ask if he was the Christ. He tells him that he is not. But that he is the one who was going before the Christ to prepare hearts for his coming. You see, in Bible times, when a king was going to come into a town or city. Someone came in front of him telling the people to get to ready, for the king is coming. John was doing that for Jesus (John 1:6-8,19-28). Only John was telling to get their hearts ready for Jesus' message.

Challenge of the week:
This week as we prepare our hearts for Christmas, let us listen to what Paul tells us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24. Rejoice always. Always pray. Give thanks for all things. Let us practice that this week.

Accomplishment of the week:
So how did you do? How did it help bring you closer to God?

Friday, November 17, 2017

Climbing Higher~ 1st week of Advent

Is. 40:1-11: A song of comfort that prophecies of John the Baptist & Jesus' coming.

Ps. 85:1-2,8-13: speaks of God's salvation.

2 Pet. 3:8-15a: Speaks of God's patience before judgment. 

Mark 1:1-8: Speaks of the prophecy of John the baptist & how he fulfilled it. 

While God's people were captives because of their sins, Isiah comfort the people by prophesying of the salvation that was coming (Is. 40:1-11).  We see the fulfillment of that prophecy in Mark 1:1-8.  The people sang songs of salvation for many years like the one in Psalms 85.  Peter encouraged God people of God's patience by giving them a lot of time before he judged them (2 Pet. 3:8-15a). We see that God has been patient with his people for generations. But we should be careful to not push him too far. For we can see that he has been known to punish his people from time to time for now following him. 

Challenge of the week:
In this season of preparing our hearts for Christmas let us go to God and get right with him. 

Accomplishment of the week:
So do you have all things right between you and God now?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Digging Deeper~ Thanksgiving Day (USA) Sorry forgot this day

Deut. 8:7-16:When you are in the land the Lord give you & all is growing, and multiplying well, remember the Lord your God and thank him for giving it to you.

Ps. 65:A song of God's goodness in all that he has made.

Cor. 9:6-15:Paul tells the Corinthians that what we will sow what we will reap. Then he goes on to tell them to be cheerful givers to the Lord, since it will bring thanksgiving to God through those that receive it. 

Luke 17:11-19:Jesus heals 10 lepers and one returned to glorify God for the healing.

Challengge of the day:
These verses gives us reason to sow unto the Lord, as well as giving us many reasons we should give thanks to God. Today, we should read these verses, think on ways we could sow, then take the time to thank God for all that he has blessed us with. 

Accomplishment of the day:
How did the verses move you to thank God? What did you thank God for?

Monday, November 13, 2017

Climbing Higher! The beginning


This is the last book in a 3 book sceries that I have been writing. Each was done using the Methodist Christian calendar. The first 2 books were Steps of Faith, & Digging Deeper. You can find the first 2 books on this blog. This book is called, "Climbing Higher". It is my prayer that you will use this book to help you as you climb spiritually higher towards God & heaven. It also could be used as a tool for teachers & preacher to use as a starting point when preparing a lesson or sermon. Feel free to do so.


Toni Whitacre~Kratochvil

Digging Deeper~ the end

This ends the book, "Digging Deeper". I pray that this book helped you to grow and get closer to God.

Toni Whitacre-Kratochvil

Digging Deeper~ 25th week after Pentecost (last week after Pentecost)

Ez. 34:11-16,20-24:Instructions to the Israelites on what to celebrate & how to do so. these were celebrations that  thanked God. 

Ps. 100:A song praising & thanking God

Eph. 1:15-23:Paul gives thanks to God because of the gift Jesus gave us us, & for the Ephesians Salvation & good works in responds to that gift.

Mat. 25:31-46: Christians being judged for what they did not do for the least of these.

As I write this, we here in USA is getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. On that day, we are to stop and thank God for all the great gifts God has given us all year long. No matter where we live, we should take some times away from our lives to stop and thank God for all his gifts including salvation.

Challenge of the week:
Take some time out this week to thanks God for all the gifts that he has given you.

Accomplishment of the week:
What did you thank God for? How did that help you to be more thankful then you were before?

Digging Deeper~ 24th week after Pentecost

Jud. 4:1-7:The children of Israel did evil in the site of the Lord, so God let King Jabin oppress them for 20 years. God rose up Deborah to be judge over them. They went to her to be judged. 

Ps. 123: A song that speaks of ever keeping our eyes on God. 

1 Thess. 5:1-11:Paul speaks to the Thessalonians of how the 2ed coming of Jesus will be like and how they are do act until He comes. One thing we should do is be ever watchful for it.

Mat. 25: 14-30:Jesus tells a story showing what the Kingdom of heaven is like. In this one he tells of a man who gives talents to men before he goes away. Then it tells of how he rewards them when he come back by how they used the talents. 

The theme is being faithful to God & his will. 

In  Psalms 123, we read a song that tells the Israelites to every keep the eyes on God and be faithful to him. In Judges 4:1-7, we see what happened to the Israelites when they were not faithful to God and his will for them. They undergone 20 years of oppression from King Jabin of Canaan. We also see how Deborah was faithful in judging the people during that time. 

Jesus tells a story about the the kingdom of heaven and talents God gives to us to to use for the kingdom of God (Mat. 25:14-30). This story tells us what God expects us to be doing after we become Christians until the day we either die or Jesus comes back for us. Paul tells the Thessalonians to be ever watching for Christ's return (1 Thess. 5:1-11).

Challenge of the week:
This week, seek ways to keep your eyes on God, the kingdom of God while using your talents for Him & growing the kingdom of heaven. 

Accomplishment of the week:
So how did you go about doing the challenge? How did that bring you closer to your spiritual goal & God?

Digging Deeper~ 23rd week after Pentecost

Jos. 24:1-3a,14-25:Joshua tells the people what God told him to say. That they now needed to choose whom they would serve the real God or the gods of Egypt. Then he said, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Ps. 78:1-7: a song telling the people to listen when Jesus spoke of the Godly things in stories called parables. 

Thess. 4:13-18: Paul encourages the Thessalonians about those who died as Christians raising from the dead first when Christ returns. 

Mat. 25: 1-13:Jesus shares a story explaining that we must be ever watching for Christ's return or we will miss going into the kingdom of heaven. 

 Just like the people of God had to do when thy were getting ready to enter the promised land. Each day, we must choose whom we will serve also (Jos. 24:1-3a, 14-25). Jesus shared many stories that explained God &  the kingdom of heaven(Mat. 25:1-13). God's people use to sing a song letting God's people to listen when Jesus comes and tells the stories called parables (Ps.78:1-7).We too should listen and learn from his parables. As well as the whole word of God.

Challenge of the week:
This week let's be more active in the kingdom of God.

Accomplishment of the week:
How did you do? How did that help your walk with God?

Monday, November 6, 2017

Digging Deeper~ 22ed week after Pentecost

Jos.3:1-17:God talks to Joshua telling him how to get the people across the Jordon River. 

Ps. 107:1-7,33-37:Song of how God lead the Israelites out of bondage, across the river and into the promised land. 

1 Thess. 2:9-13:Paul speaks to the Thessalonians of how he had worked day and night while preaching to them so not to burden them. 

Mat. 23:1-12:Jesus tells he followers to obey what the scribes & Pharisees who sit on the seat of Moses says, but not how they live. For they seek to lord over people. God's leaders should serve and not be served. 

The theme is being a leader for God among the people. In these verses above, we read how those who lead others should say & act. We also read the warning of how leaders should not act. 

Challenge of the week:
This week search yourself to make sure you are leading others in the way in which god wants you to do. 

Accomplishment of the week:
In doing the challenge of the week, what did you find out? How did you go about fixing it?

Digging Deeper~ 21st week after Pentecost

Deut. 34:1-12: Moses is the only prophet that ever talked face to face with God until Jesus came to earth. But he disobeyed God, so God took him up on a mountain and let him see the land that was promised to the Jewish people. then told him that he would not let him go into the land. then Moses died there & God buried him. But before Moses died, he laid hands on Joshua. 

Ps.90: 1-6,13-17: A prayer Moses prayed.

Thess. 2:1-8: Paul, Silas, and Timothy write to the Thessalonians thanking God that they show their faith by showing love to one another, as well as, endure hardship for Christ. 

Mat. 22:34-46:The Pharisees test Jesus in asking him which is the greatest commandment. Jesus silences them when he sums up all the commandments in 2 commandments. Then Jesus asks them a question that they can not answer. So they leave him.

The theme is obeying God & loving your neighbor. In doing both, we fulfill all of God's commandments. We see what can happen when we do not obey God in Moses' life(Deut. 34:1-12).

Challenge of the week:
This week work to obey God's Word & love your neighbor. 

Accomplishment of the week:
In what ways did you accomplish the challenge of the week?