Hos.11:1-11:God tells of his great love of Israel and how he lead them out of the bonds of slavery in Egypt. Yet they do not love him back. So he will allow them to become slaves again to Assyria. For this will bring their hearts back to him.
Ps. 107:1-9, 43: a song of how God saves his people from many danger; The wise remembers this & thinks on God's love.
Col. 3:1-11:You are no longer living the sinful life since you have been made new in Christ. So do not live as you did in the old life, such as always wanting things, or saying and doing things that will hurt others. But live a life that would please God. .
Luke 12:13-21:Jesus tells a parable about a rich man who is selfish and builds barn to hold all his harvest, instead of sharing it with others. We should be rich in the Lord & not selfish in material things.
Today's lesson, shows us how God has lead his people through all time. We read about how he showed his great love to Israel when he lead them out of slavery in Egypt. Then how in love he corrected his people and allowed them to become salves again when they did not love him back. He did this so that they would realize how much he had cared for them & get them to want to come back to loving him (Hos.11:1-11). We read of the song that his people sang when God again saved them from slavery(Ps. 107:1-9, 43). In the New Testament, Jesus warns of being selfish in material things and not looking to spiritual things which is more important, by telling the story of the rich man (Luke 12:13-21). Paul warns the church to not return back to the old selfish life they lived before they became a new creature in Christ.He encourages them to live a life that would please Christ. We learn how we are to live by reading, thinking about & acting as the Bible tells us to (Col. 3:1-11).
Challenge of the week:
What actions do you need to stop doing that is not pleasing to God? What actions do you need to do instead?
Accomplishment of the week:
How did you accomplish your goal this week?
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