Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Joshua ~from fearful to powerful leader

 The next picture that we see in this great hall of faith is Joshua. Up to now, most of the ones we have looked at are from the same family. But Joshua is different. He is in here because of who he worked with, as well as his faith. But he was not always the powerful leader that he became. Let us look at his story to see how God changed him from being a fearful leader to a powerful one, shall we?

Joshua worked for the great leader, Moses. He was one of the spies who went into spy on the land for Moses before they went into it. He is one of two men who came back with a report that showed that he had faith in God's abilities to help them take over the land(Numbers 13).  Joshua also lead God's people in battles along the way, while under Moses direction (Ex. 17:12). Then Moses dies.

Someone has to finish leading God's people into the promised land. So God looked over all the people to find a man who would be just right for the job, and there was Joshua! A man of faith, who had faithfully served under Moses as he lead these people. You could say that he had been trained for the job all along.  But there was one problem. Joshua liked being the man behind Moses, & he didn't feel qualified for the job, when God appointed him to lead His people. You could even say that the idea even scared him a bit. We see this when God encouraged him and tells him, "Be of good courage" (Joshua 1:6,9).

But thank God, Joshua didn't keep that way of thinking! After God gave him a pep talk letting him know that he would help him lead these people & to take courage & lead. Joshua lead God's people into the land God had promised to them & into many a battle to claim it. You see, once Joshua knew that he would not have to lead these people by his own strength, but by the strength of God. He walked in faith with God, leaning on God to do the job that he was appointed to do. And why did God appoint him to do this? Because he had shown that he had had faith in God clear back when he was just a spy, as well as, walked faithfully with God & faithfully did his duties when he wasn't the leader. That is why his picture hangs in the great wall of faith!

You can read all about Joshua in the book that has his name on it.

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