Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Moses~ from reluctant leader to mighty leader

The next picture we see is that of Moses. He was blessed to come from the house of Levi (Ex. 2:1). Why is that important? Because this fact plays a big part in the fact that he even lived. Let us take a look at that shall we?

  Pharaoh had commanded that all Jewish baby boys be cast into the Nile river. But his parents had faith that God has a purpose for each child that is born. So, they hid him for three months. When they could no longer do so, they built a small floating bassinet and placed it in the Nile among the reeds. They had his older sister, Miriam watch over it by day until Pharaoh's daughter found him. He was found by Pharaoh's daughter where? In the same river that Pharaoh said to kill the male babies in. God has a sense of humor.

When the Pharaoh's daughter found Moses, Miriam asked her if she wanted her to find a wet nurse for him. She said, "Yes". So Miriam ran and got her mother, who raised him to weaning age, and then gave him to the Pharaoh's daughter who finished raising him (Ex. 2:1-19). Now that takes faith!

By faith, Moses chose to walk away from all the comforts & privates of being royalty, to identify with the people of his blood, the Jews.

But when God called Moses to be a Priest, he said, "No, make my brother, Aaron, a Priest instead."
Why? I believe that he didn't think that he was able to take on such a big task. So he started out as a reluctant leader. But in time, he did show faith when he stepped out in obedience to God & lead God's people out of Egypt. Let us look at that.

Once he got his act together, he was willing to upset his "royal stepbrother or grandfather", when he went & asked for the Jewish peoples release, time & time again. That's takes faith. He also showed his faith when he prepared the Passover which saved the first born sons of the Jews. He also showed faith when he lead them out of Egypt in obedience to God guidance (Ex. 2:11-Deut. 34:12). It was also by faith that Moses & God's people crossed the Red Sea on dry land & the Egyptians drown.

We see Moses showing much faith as he lead these for the forty years in the wilderness. And that is why Moses is in this great hall of faith!

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