Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Digging Deeper~ Palm Sunday

Mat. 21:1-11: Jesus had his followers get him a donkey colt & then used it for his ride into Jerusalem where the people sang praises to him. This is what we call Palm Sunday. 

Ps. 118:1-2, 19-29: Sing praises to the Lord who is light and righteousness!

Aww, Palm Sunday! It is the day that Jesus gets the praise that he deserved as the son of God. Can you hear them as they sing, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" But Jesus did not enter Jerusalem as a king on a white horse, but as a righteous servant upon a donkey colt. This is fitting as Jesus himself  said that he came to serve. He was God's divine servant, even though he was the son of God. He would prove this in the next week as he went through arrest, mental & physical beatings, forced to carry a cross to his death on that cross, & the painful separation from God. Why? Because he loved us enough to pay for our healing and sins. But it did not end there. He also rose from the dead! In doing so he made it so that we will not have to fear death ourselves. For if we accept his gift of salvation, we too will live  spiritually with him in heaven after our bodies die. With this in mind we too should raise our voices in praise to Jesus today.

Challenge of the day:
Remember what Jesus was about to do for us this week. Then raise your voice with those from that day in singing, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

Accomplishment of the day:
How did singing praises to Jesus prepared you for the coming week?

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