Friday, June 29, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 11 week after Pentecost

2 Sam. 11:26-12:13a: After David had  sinned with Bathsheba then had her husband killed to cover it up. The prophet Nathan come to him and tells him of his sin. 

Ps. 51:1-12: King David's prayer of forgiveness after the Prophet Nathan comes to him and reveals his sin with Bathsheba.

Eph. 4:1-16:Paul speaks of Christians walking in unity with each other. 
John 6:35, 41-51: Jesus claims to be the bread of life, as well as, the manna that came down from heaven in the wilderness. He went on to say that those who eat of this living bread will hunger no more. Here Jesus was hinting at what would later be what we call , "communion". 

The theme is living a life that allows unity. This is unity between our God and our fellowman. When King David looked on and choose to have another man's wife for his own he broke unity with God because he broke one of God's commandments. But he also broke unity with Uriah, one of his men of war. God sent the prophet Nathan to King David to point out to him how his actions of sin, broke his unity with both (2 Sam. 11:26-12:13a). Afterward King David prays to God for forgiveness (Ps. 51:1-12). 

Paul talks to the  Ephesian Christians about walking in unity with each other (Eph. 4:1-16). One way we as Christians do this, is by taking communion together. Jesus hints to that and what it means to do so (John 6:35,41-51). 

Challenge of the week:
 This week: strive to live such a life that allows unity with God and mankind.

Accomplishment of  the week:
So how did you do? How could you do better next week?

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 10th Sunday after Pentecost (July 29 USA calendar)

2 Sam. 11:1-15:King David looked upon, lusted after, and had another man's wife. Then arrange to kill the man to cover up his sin.

Ps. 14: The fool says that there is on God in his heart and lives an evil life. 

Eph. 3:14-21: Paul tells the Ephesians," I pray for you to have all the riches of God that will strengthen your faith: that you may know the love of Christ and show & tell of it to others". 

John 6:1-21: Jesus feeds 5,000 men, as well as, women & children that has followed him into a deserted place.

The fool says that there is no God and lives an evil life like he believes it (Ps. 14). We see how King David let his faith slip and acted like a fool (2 Sam. 11:1-15). Paul speaks of the blessings that come with following Jesus (Eph. 3:14-21). We see how Jesus took care of many people who were following him into the desert for spiritual food. He also gave them physical food (John 6:1-21).

Challenge of the week:
This week, look at how you are living your life and ask yourself it your actions show your faith in God to those around you. If you need to go to God ask for forgiven, and then live a life worthy of Jesus' blood that was spilled for you.

Accomplishment of the week:
So what did you find out about yourself? If it was not good, how did you repair your relationship with God?

Climbing Higher~9th Sunday after Pentecost

2 Sam. 7:1-14a: God's answer to King David when he wanted to build a house for the Lord. "Not you, but an heir will build it."

 Ps.89:20-37:God's promise to King David that God shall keep his promises to David & his children.

Eph. 2:11-22:Speaks of how Jesus broke down the wall that separated Non-Jewish people from God when he died on the cross for all. Now we all can come to God through Jesus' blood. 

Mark 6:30-34,53-56: After John the Baptist was beheaded. John followers, and others followed afterJesus to listen to his preaching and get healed. 

When King David wanted to build a house for God, God sent Nathan to him to tell him that he could not build God's house, BUT that an heir of his would do so (2 Sam. 7:1-14a). God keep that promise when he had his son, Solomon build the temple. God also promises King David that he would keep all the promises he had given to him, also to his heirs (Ps. 89:20-37). God keep this promise and had the Messiah come through his heirs. Jesus is that heir. We see Jesus taking his place after the one who God had sent before him, John the Baptist, had died(Mark 6:30-34,53-56). Paul reminds us that through Jesus sacrifice on the cross, we are now able to come to God and have a relationship with him (Eph. 2:11-22).

Challenge of the week: 
This week, take the time to think of the fact that God kept his promises to King David through Jesus. Then spend time with God thanking Him for this great salvation & love to you.

Accomplishment of the week:
So how did this weeks challenge bring you closer to God? 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 8th Sunday after Pentecost

2 Sam. 6:1-5, 12b-19: King David has the Ark of God moved it into the tabernacle. The people sang praises to God for having his presence among them again. Then David made much sacrifice to the Lord for the people. 

Ps. 24: A song of praise that may have been sung as they brought the Ark into the tabernacle. Which speaks of who can sacrifice to the King of glory. One whose heart is with God. 

Eph. 1:3-14: We are made accepted through Jesus Christ's blood that redeemed us.. We are to sing the praises of his glory for being adopted into God's family. 

Mark 6:14-29:Tells of how King Herod had John the Baptist's head cut off for his lovers sake after John had told him that he should not have her as a wife. Since she was his sister-in-law. When King Herod heard of Jesus' preaching. He thought that he was John come back to life. 

Theme: Needing to be holy to be in the presence of God, and how Jesus made that possible. Singing praises to God when in his presence. 

In the Old Testament, the Ark was where God was. This is why King David rejoiced in song as he was bringing the Ark back to the tabernacle. Once the Ark was in place , he made many sacrifices for the people to make them holy again (2 Sam. 6:1-5,12b-19). It is believed that one of the songs that was sung was Psalms 24. 

In Mark we are told about how John the Baptist went to King Herod and told him that he was not living a holy life as God would ant him to. It also so tells of how King Herod had him killed because of it (Mark 6:14-29). In Psalms 24 it tells us that only those who hearts are holy can come into the presence of God. this is impossible as we are sinful my nature. So Jesus came and paid for our redemption with his own blood. Because of what Jesus did for us we can now be forgiven & be in God's presence. But god did not stop there! If we accept the gift of redemption, we can become sons and daughters of God (Eph. 1:3-14).

Challenge of the week:
If you have not asked Jesus to forgive you, and accepted Jesus' gift of redemption. do so. If you have already done so. sing praises to God for his great gift!

Accomplishment of the week:

So what did you and God accomplish this week?

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 7th Sunday after Pentecost

2 Sam. 5:1-5,9-10: After King Saul dies, David is anointed to be King over God's country.

Ps. 48: A song of praise to God for the great city & temple of God. Sing this song even when the kings has come and take the temple away. Even when you are killed. for God, &  His city remains for ever. 

Cor. 12:2-10: I glory in physical, mental, and when others are doing mean things to me because I follow Jesus. For through Jesus I am strong, even in my weakness. 

Mark 6:14-29: John the Baptist head is cut off after John had told the king that his living with his Sister in law was against God's laws. 

In these verses, we see new beginnings that happen after what seems like an end. Let us look at them...David is made king after King Saul dies (2 Sam. 5:1-5, 9-10). John the Baptist is killed for preaching what God told him to preach (Mark 6:14-29). Which is when Jesus really starts his ministry (Mark 7).  Paul founds that when he is at the end of his strength and abilities, God comes through & helps him serve God (2 Cor. 12:2-10). Like the Psalms tells us to do, we should sing a song of praise to God even when we come to what seems like an end. For God is with us forever (Ps. 48). 

Challenge of the week:
If you are going through what seems like an end, remember that with god's help, it is only a new beginning. Then sing praises him as you look towards better days ahead.

If you are not going through an end in your life, take the time to look back and find an ending in your past that became a new beginning. Then sing praises to God thanking him. 

Accomplishment of the week:
So what did you and God accomplish this week? What did you praise him for? How is that growing your relationship with God?

Climbing Higher~6th Sunday after Pentecost(July 1)

2 Sam. 1:1,17-27: When David hears of the deaths of King Saul & his son Jonathan he grieves. 

Ps. 130: A cry for the Lord.

Cor. 8:7-15: Paul speaks a blessing over the Corinthians for their faith in Jesus. 

Mark 5:21-43: A father pleases with Jesus to heal his daughter and Jesus heals her. A woman who has had health issues touches the hem of Jesus' robe and is healed. Both healing came through belief in Jesus' ability to heal. 

In these verses, we see that God will tend to us when we cry out to him in faith. 

Challenge of the week:
This week, feel free to cry out to God when you are in need of doing so. 

Accomplishment of the week:
What did you cry out to God for ? How did that help build your faith?

Climbing Higher~ 5th Sunday after Pentecost

1 Sam. 17:(1a-11, 19-23)32-49: With great faith that God would help him. Young David went against the enemy of the Lord & killed the giant.

Ps. 9:9-20: The Lord is a refuge to those who are oppressed who put their trust in Him.
Cor. 6:1-13: Though Paul was oppressed and experienced many bad things for the Gospel, he stayed true to his calling for the Corinthians spiritual sake. 

Mark 4:35-41: Jesus calms a storm that he and his followers are in. 

These verses show that even when we are right where God wants us, we can and will experience bad things. When we go through those bad things that seem like bad storms. We are to remember that Jesus is in the boat with us (Mark 4:35-41), and is our refuge from the storm. so we can trust in him (Ps. (9:9-20). With that in mind, we should follow the example of David & Paul and face the storms and bad things in our life, knowing that God will help us through it (1 Sam. 17:1-49: 2 Cor. 6:1-13). 

Challenge of the week:
If you are going through a storm or bad time, turn to God to see you through it. 
If you are not going through a bad time, take the time to thank God for helping you through bad times that he has taken you through in the past. 

Accomplishment of the week:
did you go through a storm this week? How did trusting God help you get through it?

 If you did not go through a storm, what storms did you take the time to thank God for seeing you through in the past? How did that increase your faith in him?