Wednesday, March 28, 2012

For such a time as this

"Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"(Esther 4:14).

I have always felt that I was born about 100 years too late. Why? Well, I grew up during the Hippy days, and lived in a world that was filled with drugs, booze, weird clothes, and free sex.  I never understood any of it and didn't feel as though I fit in. Yet, I did what I could to change the world I lived in, for the better. You know- "brighten the corner where you are".

Then this week, I read an article that is in The Morgan County Herald that looks at a ministry I am involved in. The article did a beautiful job of showing how many of us fit together to change things in God's kingdom. Now I understand why God put me here "for such a time as this".

How about you? Have you figured out how you fit into God's kingdom and why you are here "for such a time as this"? If not, seek His will and in time you, too, will know how you fit into the timeline of God's kingdom. Even if you have to wait to find out after you're done living this life.  If you do know, keep at whatever He has given you to do. Remember, you are writing God's story with your life.

Lord, help us as we seek your will and to not grow weary in doing good. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weedy Words

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven...a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted" (Ecc. 3:1-20.

Weedy Works

This spring, I was in my cottage garden weeding out the small patches of grass that was growing there. I found that if I don't get them early while they are small and the ground is damp, it is so much harder to get them out later. I want to get them out for more reasons then just how it looks. I have found that grass can take over a garden and choke out the flowers I want to grow there, leaving it a confusing weedy mess that does not bless anyone looking at it.

Writing a story, song, poem or sermon can be a lot like my cottage garden. Weedy words can choke out the impact that the piece that you are writing along the path you want it to go. Gor example: If I am writing a story about a girl who is running a race and in the middle of it, I get off the story line and start to give details of things that are along the way.Those words would be weedy words. Why? Because the details are taking away from the story line, not adding to it.

When we write for the Lord We need to stay away from weedy words, so we can give people a clear message from God.

Happy writing!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dream, Writer, Dream, write, Writer, Write

"Write in the book all the words I have spoken you" (Jeremiah 30:2).

Have you ever seen the cartoons of Snoopy in Peanuts by Charles S. The ones where Snoopy is sitting on top of his box fighting the Red Baron in great battles, in his dreams. Then later,Snoopy was a writer sitting on top of that same box, writing the greatest stories ever, or at least he tried to. I believe that Charles had a clear view of how both were battles. Let me explain.

History had the battle with Red Baron. Then there is writing. Any successful writer will tell you that at times they battle when it comes to getting the words on the page. There is also the battle Christian writers face. We are putting things down on paper that could kick Satan's teeth out in spiritual battle. God has put those powerful words in our heads to put on paper to minister to others who are in the middle of a spiritual battle. Those words will be just the ammo a brother or sister needs to fight and win that battle. Satan doesn't want them to win, so he will do everything he can think of to stop us writers from supplying the bullet or grenade to God's ammo dump.

You see, writing for the Lord is a Christian act. Just like any other station in God's army. We may not be on the front lines of the fight like a Pastor or Missionary, but we can be the ones who build the spiritual bombs for them to use in a battle down the road.

So now that you know about the battle. I want to ask you, "what saying, poem, article, devotional or story runs through your dreams? Write it down and get it out there, so those on the front lines will have the ammo that they need to do battle.  Dream, writers, dream, write, writers, write!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

An Introduction to Christian A.C.T.S.

Hi! My name is Toni. I see writing as a Christian Act. A.C.T.S. means Authors & Composers Talk Sessions. So that is why I'm calling this blog Christian A.C.T.S. My goal is to share devotions, short stories and such with you. I also want to encourage any of you in your journey with God and in your Christian act, whether it be writing or some other Christian act.