Thursday, April 3, 2014

Noah- the man who saved animal & mankind

Let us move on to the next picture on the wall. It is the picture of Noah. Let us take a closer look at Noah to see why he is in this great hall of faith, shall we?

Noah was blessed to come from a godly family. For his Great-grand father was Enoch, Grandfather was Methuslah and hid Father was Lamech. When Noah was born his Father prophesied over him by saying, "From the very ground om which the Lord put a curse, this child will bring relief from all our hard work" (Gen. 5:28-29 Today's English Version). These words were so true. Let us look at his life story to see why.

The Lord became upset with how wicked the people on earth was , so He decided to destroy them, but the Lord was pleased with Noah (Gen. 6:1-8). Noah had no faults & was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God (Gen. 6:9-10 Today's English Version). So God shared his heart with Noah & gave him instructions & blueprints in which to build the ark, and fill it with supplies for the animals, birds, and bugs.  Then God told him to get into the boat seven days before the flood....AND NOAH OBEYED all that God had instructed him to do (Gen. 6:13-7:5).It is believed that he took 100 years to build it (Gen. 5:32,
 7:13). That shows just how faithful he was to God and what God had asked of him.

It rained 40 days and nights, but that is not the only way God flooded the earth, check out Gen. 7:11-12.  But Noah and his family were in the boat for one year (Gen. 7:11; 8:13-18). Can you imagine being on a boat for a whole year and not knowing when you would get off of it? Now that would take faith.

When the world finally became dry and they could get off of the boat, Noah built an altar and worshiped and thanked God. This pleased God so much that he made a covenant with Noah, his family, their descendants, all living things & their descendants. This is the first covenant recorded in the Bible (Gen. 8:20-9:17). We are reminded of that covenant every time we see a rainbow in the sky.

We could learn a lot from Noah, such as obeying God's instructions when he asks something of us... sticking to the task God gives us no matter how long it takes to do it... even when the task doesn't make sense at the time or place in which you are doing it...and remaining faithful to the task when you can not see its fruits.

What saw Noah through all these days of labor and waiting? His faith in God is what lead him to obey God & that obedience pleased God greatly & is why he is in the great hall of faith (Heb. 11:7).

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