Gen. 1:1-2:4a: God created the heavens & earth.
Ps. 136:1-9,23-26: A song od praise for God's mercies.
Ps. 33: A song of praise to God for his righteousness & goodness.
Gen. 7:1-5,11-18: 8:6-18: 9:8-13:God has Noah & his family go into the ark that is filled with animals & food. The flood is over and Noah sends out birds to see if the ground is dry. When it is, they leave the ark. God makes a promise to every living creature & mankind not to flood the whole earth again. the sign of that promise was a rainbow that appears after every rain.
Ps.46: Song saying that one is sure of God's salvation for them in times of trouble. This could be a prayer that the church could sing.
Gen.22:1-18:God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son of promise. When Abraham showed that he was obedient and went to kill his son to sacrifice him. God told Abraham that because he proved his love to God. God was saving his son. God provided a lamb to take Issac's place. Then God made a promise to Abraham that he would be Father to many~ more than the stars in the sky. This was a picture of what Jesus would do for us. Be the lamb that would take away our sins.
Ps.16: A prayer asking God to help and save him from his enemies. I shall not be moved because God is looking out for me.
Ex. 14:10-31: God saves the Israelites from the Egyptians.
Ex.15:1b-13,17-18:Moses & the Israelites sang a song of praise to God for saving them.
Is. 55:1-11:A call to all who wishes to be godly to come and repent of sin & be saved. Also a promise of Jesus.
Is. 12:2-6: A song of Thanksgiving for salvation.
Ez. 36:24-28: God's promise to the Israelites of a new land and new hearts that are no longer of stone.
Ps. 42: A prayer of seeking God during a time of trouble.
Ez. 37:1-14:God tells Ezekiel to preach to the dead bones. He did and they came alive. This is a picture of what the Word of God can do to spiritually dead souls.
Ps. 143:David prays for God to save him from his enemies, then remembers that God had done so in the past. Then he prays asking to be guided.
Rom. 6:3-11: Paul shows how our baptism is a picture of us dying to sin & raising to new life just as Jesus died and rose to life.
Ps. 114: Remembering what God did when he opened the way through the Jordan river for the Israelites.
Luke 24:1-12: Jesus fulfills all of God's prophecies & promises when he raises from the dead.
In all of these verses we see God giving promises of salvation. He even showed pictures of what that looked like through out history. Jesus fulfilled all the promises of salvation when he rose from the dead!
Challenge for the night:
As you read these verses remember that God will always keep his promises.
Accomplishment of the night:
How has these verses helped you better remember what Jesus did for you? Has this prepared you for tomorrow?
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