Monday, March 14, 2016

Steps of Faith~ 2ed Sunday after Easter

Acts 9:1-6(7-20): Saul become Paul. Paul is called to take the gospel to non-Jewish people.

Prophecies of what Jesus would go through on the cross & when he rose from the dead. Also phophecioes of the rejoicing that would happen because he rose from the dead.

Rev. 5:11-14: John saw and heard angels, creatures, and the elders crying out praises to Jesus for being our sacrificial lamb. All creation sing praises to God in worship. 

John 21:1-19: Jesus appears to his disciples for the 3rd time since he rose from the dead. He is by the sea. They have not caught any fish all night. Jesus tells them how to catch fish, and they catch so many that they need help pulling it to shore. Jesus cooks them some fish and feeds them. Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loved him. Each word of love had a deeper meaning. Jesus did this so that Peter could redeem himself from when he denied Jesus 3 times before he died. After Peter said yes all three time, Jesus tells him to feed and tend to his sheep. People are Jesus' sheep.  

In Psalms 30, we read of the prophecies of what Jesus would go through on the cross and that he would rise again. This Psalm also prophecies of the rejoicing that would happen because Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Jesus appears to his disciples for the 3rd time since he rose from the dead. He is by the sea. They have not caught any fish all night. Jesus tells them how to catch fish, and they catch so many that they need help pulling it to shore. Jesus cooks them some fish and feeds them. Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loved him. Each word of love had a deeper meaning. Jesus did this so that Peter could redeem himself from when he denied Jesus 3 times before he died. After Peter said yes all three time, Jesus tells him to feed and tend to his sheep. People are Jesus' sheep (John 21:1-19).

After the Jews had been told of Jesus and his salvation, God called a man named Saul to go and tell the non-Jewish people. When god called Saul, he renamed him Paul (Acts 9:1-20).

John the beloved was put on an island which was a type of prison. while he was there he saw and heard what was to go on in the future. He wrote what he saw to the 7 churches in Asia. In Revelation 5, verses 11-14 , John tells of how he sees and heard angels, creatures, and the elders crying out in praise and worship in heaven and earth. Because he wrote it down, we can also know and praise and worship God.

Challenge of the Week: 
In this week's devotional, see see a chain of events that helped spread the good news Jesus' salvation. Let us be another link in that chain so that people in our time and place will also know of this good news. Don't break the chain. 

Accomplishment of the week:
Who did you tell & how did you do so? Did anyone accept Jesus because of it? If so, rejoice!

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