Thursday, May 17, 2012


"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you" (Mat. 6:33).

I have a sister who is a professional organizer ask the other day if anyone could name some thing that could not be organized. I said, "My mind". Then I started to tell her about all the duties I have and things that I needed to get done. Which is way too much for one person can reasonably do and has become overwhelming.

The problem is that I am a hyper minded person with ministries, writing, walking and exercising to do for my health, a home that I am trying to keep clean while I am organizing it, gardens to put in, Christmas gifts to make... You get the picture.To make matters worse, they are all of equal and high importance to me. This puts even more stress on me. I was at my wits end. So I asked her for help.

She surprised me with her clarity on what was most important which was my health. So that I should put walking and exercising first, and then organize my week and day in such a way as to get every thing done.The bottom line was that I needed to figure out my priorities and do the most important things first. Once I do that, figuring out how to organize my week and day will fall into place. Sounds easy, huh?

Are a lot of things in your life screaming for your attention? Do you grow weary in figuring out how to balance it all.  Jesus addresses this in the sixth chapter of Matthew . He tells us that we should seek the things that are important to His kingdom first, then everything else, like the need for food and clothes will be taken care of. 

Let us pray: Dear Lord, please give us clarity of mind and heart as to what is most important as we strive to live a balanced life between the spiritual and physical worlds. In Jesus' name. Amen.



  1. reminds me of a rubix cube that constantly keeps changing it's colors so you have a very difficult time of trying to solve it. :)) Does it remind you of anybody? Kind of stuck on Crystal Mountains right now, Writer's Digest suggested that I write out my character's family trees. So right now I am working on that process, which is great fun because no matter what I write I can't make a mistake on this:)). By the way, Check out my post on April 4, I think, or one of the April blogs, it will describe who SitFire is.
