Thursday, June 14, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 8th Sunday after Pentecost

2 Sam. 6:1-5, 12b-19: King David has the Ark of God moved it into the tabernacle. The people sang praises to God for having his presence among them again. Then David made much sacrifice to the Lord for the people. 

Ps. 24: A song of praise that may have been sung as they brought the Ark into the tabernacle. Which speaks of who can sacrifice to the King of glory. One whose heart is with God. 

Eph. 1:3-14: We are made accepted through Jesus Christ's blood that redeemed us.. We are to sing the praises of his glory for being adopted into God's family. 

Mark 6:14-29:Tells of how King Herod had John the Baptist's head cut off for his lovers sake after John had told him that he should not have her as a wife. Since she was his sister-in-law. When King Herod heard of Jesus' preaching. He thought that he was John come back to life. 

Theme: Needing to be holy to be in the presence of God, and how Jesus made that possible. Singing praises to God when in his presence. 

In the Old Testament, the Ark was where God was. This is why King David rejoiced in song as he was bringing the Ark back to the tabernacle. Once the Ark was in place , he made many sacrifices for the people to make them holy again (2 Sam. 6:1-5,12b-19). It is believed that one of the songs that was sung was Psalms 24. 

In Mark we are told about how John the Baptist went to King Herod and told him that he was not living a holy life as God would ant him to. It also so tells of how King Herod had him killed because of it (Mark 6:14-29). In Psalms 24 it tells us that only those who hearts are holy can come into the presence of God. this is impossible as we are sinful my nature. So Jesus came and paid for our redemption with his own blood. Because of what Jesus did for us we can now be forgiven & be in God's presence. But god did not stop there! If we accept the gift of redemption, we can become sons and daughters of God (Eph. 1:3-14).

Challenge of the week:
If you have not asked Jesus to forgive you, and accepted Jesus' gift of redemption. do so. If you have already done so. sing praises to God for his great gift!

Accomplishment of the week:

So what did you and God accomplish this week?

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