Friday, January 26, 2018

Climbing Higher~Transfiguration Sunday

2 Kings 2:1-16: The mantle and a double portion of Elijah is given to Elisha.

Ps. 50:1-6:God will judge his people.

2 Cor. 4:3-6: God shined his light into the darkness in the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Mark 9:2-9: Jesus is transfigured on a high mountain in front of Peter, James, & John. 

In Mark 9:2-9, Jesus was showing his followers who he was, so that they could be witnesses of him in the future. You could say that he was preparing them to carry his message to the world in the future. Jesus told his followers that he was the light of the world while he was on earth (John 8:12 ). He also told them that they were to be children of light when he left the world (1 Thess. 5:5 ). We do this when we share the good news of Jesus and what he did for us (2 Cor. 4:3-6). Jesus told his followers , "greater things will you do these these"(John 14:12). In other words we get the double portion. Much like Elisha got a double portion of the anointing that Elijah had (2 Kings 2:1-16). But we need to be careful how we use it as we will be judged in the end on how we used it (Ps. 50:1-6). 

Challenge of the week:
How can you be light of the world for Jesus? Who could you tell someone of the Good News? 

Accomplishment of the week:

What did you and God do this week to accomplish your challenge? How did that go?

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