Monday, December 26, 2016

Digging Deeper~ 3rd Sunday of ordinary times

Mic. 6:1-6:The Lord pleases his case against the people to the mountains and hills, because they had tired of him. The Lord tells of how he had freed the people from slavery in Egypt. He reminds the people of a conversation between Balak king of Moab & Ballaam son of Beor, and the conversation between God and Ballaam where God tells him that the people are blessed (Num. 22:1-14).

Ps. 15: Who shall dwell in God's house? He who is living a righteous life.

Cor. 1:18-31: The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom. God has chosen to call people through the foolishness of preaching of Jesus Christ in whom we can be saved.

Mat. 5:1-12:Jesus preaches the people that being poor in spirit, mourn, hunger after righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, those persecuted for God's sake will be blessed by him. 

In the verses above, we see that God does not work as the wisdom of the world does.The world sees man's wisdom and strength as being good. God wants us to come to him in humbleness allowing ourselves to lean on him instead of our own strength. God says that we are blessed by him when he bow down to his will. Even when doing so will make people of the world do bad things to us. God wants us to want to follow after his righteousness so badly that it is like a man who is very hungry or thirsty wants food or drink. God has proven his faithfulness to his people many times when thy follow after him. God even talks of his faithfulness to his people when he took them out of their slavery in Egypt because he had blessed them (Num. 22:1-14). Jesus teaches the people what it takes for God to bless us (Mat. 5:1-12). Paul speaks of God's faithfulness to mankind when he sent Jesus Christ to save us from the slavery of sin (1 Cor. 1:18-31). Once we are saved from our slavery of sin, God wants us to live righteous lives and tell others how to become free from their slavery of sin. 

Challenge of the week:
This week, ask God what you need to do to please him. If you have not become saved from the slavery of sin, go to Jesus and ask him to forgive your sins, and save you from your slavery of sin. If you are already saved, humble yourself before God and ask him for help in becoming a more righteous person this week. Then go and tell anyone you know that is stuck in the slavery of sin how Jesus can free them from it. 

Accomplishment of the week: So what did you do this week that helped you accomplish your spiritual goal?

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