Friday, May 4, 2012

Spiritual rooms of our lives

     Your life is a garden filled with "rooms". Each room is a different part of your life and each room has a gate to enter it.

     In the beginning, you choose if you want to enter that room, like the room of marriage. But once you open the gate, you have to tend to the the room or it will die.Some of the rooms are connected, like the room of marriage is often connected to the room of children.

     Then there are rooms that are there because we choose to add them, like ministry. These rooms can start out being casual rooms we dabble in from time to time. What would you grow in your rooms of ministry? Be careful, for sometimes the gardens in the rooms can take on a life of it's own and grow in ways you can never imagine!

     For me, the room of ministry has turned into a cluster of butterfly gardens that seemed to be totally disconnected, but as time went by, they became very connected to each other. They are the rooms called,"The Vannie Project". There are five rooms at this time, but as time goes on,it appears to be growing next to many other rooms of my life. It may even be taking over some of the other rooms. Oh, for wisdom on how to tend all of the rooms of the garden well.

     Know the feeling? I think that the trick is to go to the Master Gardener and glean from his wide wisdom on tending our gardens well.

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