Ps. 130: I cry to the Lord asking for forgiveness.I now wait on the Lord for in Him is hope & mercy.(believed to be David's prayer after his son tries to take his throne before his time).
Eph. 4:25-5:2:Paul tells the Christians how they should live holy lives.
John 6:35, 41-51:The people turn against Jesus after he says that he is the bread of life that came down from heaven in the desert.
Have you ever had someone try to keep you from doing a job God called you to do? David did (2 Sam. 18:509; 15:31-33). What did he do? He prayed (Ps. 130). Then he dwealt gently with his son (2 Sam. 15:31-33). Jesus also dealt with people who would not believe who he was or his calling (John 6:35,41-51). Paul tells Christians how to act when this happens (Eph. 4:25-5:2).
Challenge of the week:
This week, take the time to pray for for those who are trying to stop you from living as God wants you to. You will find that God will help you to see them through his eyes & will give you his love fr them.
Accomplishment of the week:
Who did you pray for? How did it go? Did it help you get closer to that person or persons and God?