Friday, January 26, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 2ed Sunday of Lent

Gen. 17:1-7, 15-16: God promises Abraham that he & Sarah will be parents to many nations.

Ps. 22:23-31:Praise the Lord all the descendants of Jacob & Israel. 

Rom. 4:13-25: Abraham was made Father of nations because of his faith.
Mark 8:31-38:Jesus tells his disciples that he must go and be put to death. Peter yells at him & tries to stop him. Jesus tells Peter, "Satan get behind me." Then Jesus tells his disciples that anyone who follows him will have to carry a cross.

or Mark 9:2-9: Jesus transfigured before Peter, James & John. 

The theme is faith.

 God promised Abraham that he and Sarah would be parents of many nations (Gen.17:1-7,15-16). Now let us remember that this promise came when they were very old. But Abraham had faith that God would keep his promise. and that is what saved him (Rom. 4:13-25). In the Psalms we see a song inviting the decedents of Abraham to praise God for keeping his promises (Ps. 22:23-31). We see where Peter wavered in his faith when Jesus told the disciples that he was to be killed. That is when Jesus told them that to follow Him they would have their own cross to bear. But that they were to do so in faith (Mark 8:31-38). 

Challenge of the week:
This week look at  something that is going on in you life that you can not control; & hand it to God and have faith that he will take care of it. 

Accomplishment of the week: 
what have you handed to God this week? has he taken care of it yet? If not continue to believe that he will bring it about. 

Climbing Higher~1 st Sunday of Lent

Gen. 9:8-17:  After the flood, God promises mankind and all the creatures that was saved on the ark, that he will not flood the whole earth again. He made the rainbow to remind him & all of us of that promise every time it rains. 

Ps. 25:1-10: Asking God to forgive our sins, then praising Him for doing so.

1 Pet. 3:18-22: Jesus suffered death for us to bring us back to God. Then Jesus went to preach to those who had died before he went to the cross giving them a chance to receive him. We can see how patient God can be when we look at how God waited to save the few good men during the time that Noah and his sons built the ark. Just as God washed the sin from the earth in the flood. Baptism shows how God washes us from sin when we ask him for forgiveness & follow him. 

Mark 1:9-15:Jesus being tempted of the devil right after being baptized. He show that we can use the Word of God to fight Satan. 

Challenge of the week:
Go to God asking him to forgive your sins. Then praise him for being patient with you  until you came to him to be cleanse of your sins. Lastly, go and tell others what God has done for you. 

Accomplishment of the week:
So what did you and God do this week to grow in your faith?

Climbing Higher~ Ash Wednesday

Joel 2:1-2, 12-17:There is spiritual darkness in the world. God's light will come to our souls & the earth when we turn to God for forgiveness of sin. 
Is. 58:1-12: God wants us to serve him for the right reasons. He wants us to show love and help the down trodden. When we do, it brings God's light to the world. He will bless those who does that.

Ps. 51:1-17: Prayer for forgiveness of sin.

Cor. 5:20-6:10: Guide lines on how an Ambassador of Christ should act.

Mat. 6:1-6,16-21:Do your good deeds in secret & God will bless you. Shine your light before men so that they will see it and glorify God. 

Same day as Valentine's Day in USA. We do Ash Wednesday because Jesus is our soul's Valentine. 

Challenge of the day:
Let us humbly go before God asking him to forgive our sins because we love Him. Maybe even write a love letter to God today. The let us go and be ambassadors of God taking the light of God into the darkness to show them the way out of the darkness into God's light. 

Accomplishment of the day:
How did you accomplished your challenge today?

Climbing Higher~Transfiguration Sunday

2 Kings 2:1-16: The mantle and a double portion of Elijah is given to Elisha.

Ps. 50:1-6:God will judge his people.

2 Cor. 4:3-6: God shined his light into the darkness in the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Mark 9:2-9: Jesus is transfigured on a high mountain in front of Peter, James, & John. 

In Mark 9:2-9, Jesus was showing his followers who he was, so that they could be witnesses of him in the future. You could say that he was preparing them to carry his message to the world in the future. Jesus told his followers that he was the light of the world while he was on earth (John 8:12 ). He also told them that they were to be children of light when he left the world (1 Thess. 5:5 ). We do this when we share the good news of Jesus and what he did for us (2 Cor. 4:3-6). Jesus told his followers , "greater things will you do these these"(John 14:12). In other words we get the double portion. Much like Elisha got a double portion of the anointing that Elijah had (2 Kings 2:1-16). But we need to be careful how we use it as we will be judged in the end on how we used it (Ps. 50:1-6). 

Challenge of the week:
How can you be light of the world for Jesus? Who could you tell someone of the Good News? 

Accomplishment of the week:

What did you and God do this week to accomplish your challenge? How did that go?

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 5th Sunday after Epiphany

Is. 40:21-31: God is the Creator of all the nature that we see. The same God will give strength to the weary and make them as strong as eagle wings. 
Ps. 147:1-11, 20:Praise the Lord for he provides for the earth's needs & lifts up the meek person.

Cor. 9:16-23:Though I preach the gospel, I glory in nothing. I am not to use the Gospel to abuse others.  My reward is to preach the gospel in such a way that others can be freed. For this reason I am to be all things to all people.
Mark 1:29-39:Jesus healed Peter's Mother-in-law, as well as other people including those with devils. Right afterward, he spent time alone praying. Then he went about preaching & healing again.

In these verses we see that God provides what is needed to give strength to nature and men who are meek & weary. Jesus showed us this when he went about preaching and healing people (Mark 1:29-39). We too are to be like Jesus seeking how that we might lift up the needy in nature and man (1 Cor. 9:16-23).We are to do this in word and deed. 

Challenge of the week:
Our challenge is two fold, first we should take the time to praise God for caring for all on the earth including humans. Second, we should seek how we can help any that needs help physically, mentally, & spiritually. Then do so. 

Accomplishment of the week:

So what did you do? How did that help you get closer to God & others around you?

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Climbing Higher~ Presentation of the Lord (8 days after Jesus birth)

Malachi 3:1-4: I will send a messenger who will test the house of Levi as a refiner tests silver or gold. 

Ps. 84 or 24:7-10:  Songs of praise for God's glory & strength. 

Heb. 2:14-18:Jesus took on the nature of Abraham, so that he could become not only our high priest, but  also be the payment for our sins & take away the dread of death. 

Luke 2:22-40:Jesus presented to God when he is 8 days old. Prophecy was spoken over him that he was the awaited Messiah. 

The last book that was written to God people in the Old Testament , prophecies of Jesus coming to test the house of Levi (Malachi 3:1-4). When Jesus was brought to the temple to be named and given to the Lord as a first born, a man and woman both proclaimed that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah (Luke 2:22-40). In Hebrews we are told that Jesus took on the nature of Abraham, so that he could become not only our high priest, but  also be the payment for our sins & take away the dread of death (Heb. 2:14-18). 

Challenge of the day::
Let us like Mary, ponder on these facts. For I am sure if we do that we will want to sing songs of praise such is found in Palms 84 & 24:7-10).

Accomplishment of the day:
What did you pondering bring to fruit in you?

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 4th Sunday after Epiphany

Deut. 18:15-20: God will raise up a prophet. Listen to that prophet.  But God will kill the prophet that will lead God's people to false gods.

Ps. 111:Praise the Lord for his works. Praise him for how he cares for his people. His Works are forever.  The fear of the Lord brings wisdom & obeying the Word to his people. He will judge those who do not follow him, but will send redemption to those who obey him. 

Cor. 8:1-13:Love is more important than knowledge. Do not cause someone to fall in their faith.

Mark 1:21-28: Jesus went to Capernaum and taught in the synagogue. The people were amazed, since he spoke to them as one who knew what he was talking about. While there, he healed a man with an unclean spirit. The people asked how he could also have the power to do so.

In these verses, we are warmed not to lead others from their faith by our words or what we do (Deut. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 8:1-13; Ps. 111). We should live in obedience to God to show love to others (1Cor. 8:1-13). We see Jesus showing love to a man with unclean spirits when he called them out of him (Mark 1:21-28). We are to be like Christ, that is why we are called CHRISTians.

Challenge of the week:
This week, work hard to obey God's Word, so that you will not make those watching you loose their faith in God. 

Accomplishment of the week:

How did it go? What areas of your life did you change to fulfill this challenge?

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 3th Sunday after Epiphany

Jonah 3:1-5,10:God called Jonah to go and preach to Nineveh. He did & the people prayed and mourned for their sins. then god forgave and saved them. 

Ps. 62:5-12:I wait upon God who is my refuge, strength, & rock. So I shall not be moved. God reward us for the works we do.

Cor. 7:29-31: Redeem the time.

Mark 1:14-20:Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, & John to follow him & they did.

The theme is fulfilling our calling. 

We see the calling of Jonah, as well as four of Jesus disciples to follow him and bring the good news to people (Mark 1:14-20, Jonah 3:1). We also see the affect of what can happen when we do our calling (Jonah 3:1-5, 10).  But he had to wait upon God to move the peoples hearts. We too need to be willing to wait upon the Lord to tell us what our calling is, who to give the Good News to, and when to just wait for God to grow the seed that you have planted, or when to harvest that seed. We are told to not waste our time on things that do not matter, but to redeem the time (1 Cor. 7:29-31). 

Challenge of the week:
What are you called to do to help give the Good News to others? 

Accomplishment of the week:
What did God tell you?  How will you fulfill that?

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 2ed Sunday after Epiphany

1 Sam. 3:1-10(11-20):Young Samuel came to the temple in just the right time for Eli's sons were doing evil in God's eyes. God told Samuel that he would cut all of Eli's line from the temple because of this evil. 

Ps. 139:1-6,13-18:The Lord knows everything about me. He even numbered the parts of my body when I was in my Mother before I was born. The Lord is always with me.

1 Cor. 6:12-20: Keep your body as pure as your soul. Do not have sex with someone before you marry them. 

John 1:43-51: While Jesus was calling men to be his disciples he said that Nathanael was a man who does not do evil to others. 

The theme is keeping one self pure in body as well as soul. We see that God lovingly made us for a   certain calling. He knows us very well (Ps. 139:1-6,13-18). We read how well Jesus knew Nathanael (John 1:43-51). We read how we are to keep our bodies as pure as our souls (1 Cor. 6:12-20). Then we read of how God can judge his people who does not keep their bodies & souls pure (1 Sam. 3:1-19(11-20).

Challenge of the week:
This week, look at how you live, a see if you are keeping your body and soul pure for God. If it isn't, ask God to forgive you & start living in a way that would please God. 

Accomplishment of the week:

What did God point out to you? What steps can or have you taken to get closer to God? 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Climbing Higher~ 1st Sunday after Epiphany

Gen. 1:1-5: First day of creation, God made light, day & night.

Ps. 29:  Worship the Lord, for the voice of the Lord is powerful.

Acts 19:1-7: Paul lays hands on men in Ephesus & they received the Holy Spirit.

Mark 1:4-11: Jesus goes to be Baptiste by John the Baptist. 

The theme is beginnings.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The first thing he created was light so that there could be daylight and night (Gen. 1:1-5). We should worship God for being powerful enough to make the heavens and the earth (Ps. 29). In Mark 1:4-11, we see Jesus being baptized before he started his ministry. In the book of Acts we see the beginning of the church. In Acts 19:1-7, we see Paul taking the Holy Spirit to the Christians there.  

Challenge of the week:
As we begin this New Year, we should think about what God would wants you to do in the next year. Is it something we have been doing that he wants you to continue or does he want you to do something new? How does he want you to go about doing it?

Accomplishment of the week:
So what is it that God wants you to do this year? What steps have you mapped out to do?