Ps. 114: Speaks of when the waters were parted & when water came out of a rock for Israelites to drink.
Or Ex. 15:1b-11,20-21:A song of how God saved the Israelites from Egypt.
Rom. 14:1-12:Do not judge your brother, & do not make him stumble in his faith.
Mat. 18:21-35:Jesus speaks of forgiving others, because God has forgiven us.
Egyptians ruler was keeping the Israelites from worshiping God as God wanted them to, so, God freed them & kept them safe by parting the waters to let them walk on dry land where the sea was, but drown the Egyptians. After that Moses and the people sang a song of praise to God for saving them (Ex. 14:19-31;15:1b-11, 20-21). Later a song was written for the Israelites to sing over the years(Ps. 114).
We are warned to not cause others to stumble in their faith. We can do this by openly judging them for how they worship and serve God, also by not forgiving them (Rom. 14:1-12: Mat. 18:21-35).
Challenge of the week:
This week seek to be more loving towards our younger brothers and sisters in the Lord. We can do that by not judging them, and forgiving them when they stumble in their walk while getting use to being a Christian.
Accomplishment of the week:
How did you fulfill the challenge of the week?